Monday, October 01, 2012

In Search of Self...

Every weekend or so when my better half is willing to be my outdoor companion, we set off.

As the subject line states, I am off with a purpose.I live for the outings and dream of living in a small thatched hut amongst the backdrop of the Mountains and Hills, with a fresh water Stream flowing close by, the gushing sound that will be my lullaby every night, the star lit sky my story teller.

Every morning would start with a cup of herbs, made with stream water, freshly picked from the vast offering of nature, brewed under a fire, lit by dry wood picked from the Woods.

Exercise routine will involve a trek up the mountain, a splendid view to look upon, the never changing landscape, guard to which I stand.

The daily challenges will not be absurd business forecasts, nor will they involve MIS's but would be simple to for food. Is it time for paddy, out shall I plant wheat, will the pumpkin ripen in time or shall there be gourd for dinner.

The gentle breeze, the strong winds, I shall have them for company, always, and as I dream on, I shall bluff myself that this day is not far...the way I bluff at an interview, stating that one day I will be a CEO.

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